• light

    Bright spot
    Not in full sun

  • Icon_Watergift_Intenz


    Slightly damp
    Water once a week
    Feeding once a month

  • Animal friendly

    Keep this plant out of reach of your pet

  • Air purifying

    This plant is highly air purifying

Everything you want to know about the care of your Alocasia plant

The elephant's ear: An enchanting beauty

The Alocasia is also known as the elephant's ear. It is an exotic plant that immediately attracts attention with its striking leaves and elegant appearance. This tropical beauty originates from Asia and belongs to the Araceae family.

There are more than 70 different varieties of Alocasia to choose from. There is a suitable variant for every interior.

The perfect place for you Alocasia

There are some factors to consider when installing an elephant ear. This beautiful plant thrives best in a spot with bright, indirect light.

Make sure that you do not expose the Alocasia directly to bright sunlight. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves and cause discoloration.

Place your plant near an east or west-facing window. There they can enjoy the soft morning or evening light.

Watering your elephant's ear: the key to success

Proper watering is essential for the health of your Alocasia. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

Provide slightly moist soil. It is important to keep the soil in which your Alocasia is growing slightly moist. Excessive watering leads to root rot. Too little water results in dry and limp leaves. Look for a balance where the soil feels moist, but not soggy.

Adjust how much water you give the elephant ear based on the conditions. Normally you water your Alocasia once a week. But adjust that depending on the temperature, humidity and the size of the pot. Regularly check the moisture of the soil and adjust watering accordingly.

Check the top layer of the soil regularly and water if it feels dry. In the summer months it may be necessary to water more often than in winter. However, beware of overwatering as it can be harmful to the elephant ear.

Temperature and humidity: A warm welcome

The Alocasia feels most comfortable at an average room temperature between 18°C ​​and 22°C. It is important to avoid large temperature fluctuations as these can hinder the plant's growth.

This exotic beauty also likes a humid environment. Spray the leaves regularly with lukewarm water to increase the humidity.

Another useful tip is to place the elephant ear on a bowl of water and stones or pebbles. As the water evaporates, it creates natural humidity around the plant.

Repotting: Give your Alocasia room to grow

Over time , your elephant ear may need a larger pot of fresh potting soil. Repotting is an important step in caring for your plant. Here are some tips:

Choose the right pot size. Choose a pot that is about 20% larger than the current pot. This gives the roots enough room to grow. Make sure the pot has drainage holes to drain excess water.

Use suitable potting soil. Use a well-drained potting soil that is rich in organic matter. This ensures good airflow around the roots and helps retain moisture. Avoid heavy and compact soils that retain water.

Repot in spring: Spring is the ideal time to repot your Alocasia. During this period, the plant begins to grow actively and recovers better from stress. Make sure the plant is well watered before you start repotting.

Cutting your plant

Propagating the Alocasia can be done easily if a new plant grows next to the main stem.

Carefully separate the cutting from the main plant. Make sure that the cutting has a number of (its own) roots.

Place the cutting in moist potting soil, always keep the soil slightly moist.

Make sure that the cutting receives sufficient heat and light.

Over time, new roots and leaves will grow from the cutting.

To leaf through
What to do if the leaves of your Alocasia are drooping?

Limp leaves on Alocasia mean too much or too little water. Check the moisture of the soil and adjust your watering. Make sure you do not place the plant in full sun. This also leads to wilting of the leaves.

What to do if the leaves of your Alocasia turn yellow?

Discolored leaves can have various causes. If the leaves turn yellow, this may indicate overwatering or lack of nutrients. With brown leaves, exposure to direct sunlight or low humidity may play a role. Adjust care to resolve these problems.

What different types of Alocasia are there?

There are several beautiful varieties to choose from, each with their own unique characteristics. Here are some popular variations:

the Alocasia macrorrhiza or elephant's ear is a spectacular compact tropical plant. A real eye-catcher!

the Alocasia Polly. With its striking green leaves and white veins, the Alocasia Polly is a real eye-catcher in any interior.

the Alocasia Amazonica. This variety is known for its dark green leaves with silvery veins, which create a beautiful contrast.

the Alocasia Zebrina. This one has unique zebra-like stripes on its leaves. That gives an exotic touch to the environment where this plant is located.

Power supply
Nutrition for a healthy Alocasia

Using the right nutrition is very important for the health of your houseplant. Here are some important points about nutrition:

Use a liquid houseplant fertilizer that is specially formulated for foliage plants. These fertilizers contain the right ratio of nutrients that your elephant ear needs to stay healthy.

Always read the instructions on the fertilizer packaging and follow the recommended dosage and frequency. Over-fertilization can be harmful to the roots of your plant. So be careful and stick to the prescribed amounts.

Feed your Alocasia during the growing season. This is usually in the spring and summer. Once a month is sufficient. Stop feeding during the plant's dormant period, in fall and winter.

Alocasia verpotten

Elephant ear

Elephant ear

Alocasia blad
Alocasia blad