• light

    Partial shade
    Not in full sun

  • Icon_Watergift_Intenz


    Slightly damp
    Water once a week
    Feeding once a month

  • Animal friendly

    The Calathea is very animal-friendly

  • Air purifying

    This plant is highly air purifying

Everything you want to know about caring for your Calathea plant

Calathea care in brief

Calathea varieties are a beautiful addition to any indoor space. With their enchanting leaf patterns and vibrant colors, they bring a touch of beauty and natural elegance to your home.

Choosing the right location is essential for Calathea's health. Place them in a spot with bright indirect light and avoid direct sunlight.

A warm environment with an average temperature between 18°C ​​and 24°C is ideal.

Make sure the soil is slightly moist. Avoid soggy conditions to prevent root rot. Watering is usually necessary about once a week.

Repot Calathea regularly into a pot that is slightly larger than the current pot. Do this in the spring and use fresh potting soil.

Provide Calathea with proper nutrition during the growing season. Stop fertilizing during the winter months.

Leaf discoloration can be caused by too much water, too much sunlight or not enough water. Adjust the conditions to resolve the problem.

There are several varieties of Calathea to choose from, each with its own unique characteristics and charm.

Calathea species add beauty, elegance and a relaxing atmosphere to any interior.

With these care tips you can ensure that your Calathea remains a healthy plant. A natural beauty in your living space.

Which Calathea species are there?

There are several beautiful Calathea species available. They all have their own unique characteristics and enchanting leaf patterns. Here are some popular Calathea varieties to consider:

Calathea Orbifolia. This species is known for its large round leaves with silvery green stripes. The top has a striking pattern and adds a touch of elegance to any room.

Calathea Insignia: With its beautiful and graceful leaf markings, it is better known as the Peacock Plant.

Ctenanthe Amagris. She is known for her gray-green colored leaves with dark green stripes and an eggplant-colored inside.

Ctenanthe Burle Marxii : Also known as the prayer plant . This plant stands out because of its special leaf markings and different leaf colors.

Calathea Medallion. This species has large round leaves with a dark green leaf pattern and a striking purple underside. It looks like a medal, hence the name “Medallion”.

Calathea Zebrina (Zebra plant). This species is distinguished by its striking stripes on the leaves. These resemble the stripes of a zebra. The leaves have a combination of green and purple tones, making it a real eye-catcher.

Calathea roseopicta (Rose painted Calathea). This species has beautiful leaves with a unique pattern of pink, green and cream-colored stripes. It adds a pop of color to any room and is loved for its visual appeal.

Calathea vs Ctenanthe

The plant species Calathea and Ctenanthe are often confused in appearance. This is because both species have very special leaf markings.

Both plant types are called 'never never plant' or prayer plant, which means that the leaves close in the evening and open again in the morning. During the day the beautiful leaf markings on the top of the leaves are visible and when it gets dark the purple underside.

The difference is that the leaves of the Ctenanthe are a lot smaller, but the size of the plant is also much smaller than the Calathea.

The structure is also different. A Ctenanthe develops branching stems above ground, while the Calathea only produces new leaves from the heart of the plant.

Finally, the Ctenanthe is somewhat easier to care for than the Calathea.

The care tips on this page apply to both the Calathea and the Ctenanthe.

The perfect place for your Calathea

The correct placement of your Calathea is very important. This plant does best in a location with bright and indirect light. Direct sunlight can damage the leaves and lead to discoloration.

Therefore, choose a spot near a window facing north, east or west. This way the plant can enjoy the soft morning or evening light.

In addition, it is important to know that the Calathea likes warmth. An average temperature between 18°C ​​and 24°C is ideal for this tropical beauty. However, make sure that the plant is not exposed to drafts. This can hinder growth.

Watering your Calathea: exactly what it needs

Proper watering is essential for the health of your Calathea. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

Keep the soil slightly moist, but not wet. Excessive watering can lead to root rot. Too little water results in dry and limp leaves. Find the right balance where the soil feels slightly moist. This is usually watering once a week.

Check the dryness of the soil to determine when your Calathea needs water. Insert your finger about 2-3 centimeters deep into the soil. If the soil feels dry at that depth, it is time to water. So wait a while if the soil is moist.

Make sure the pot your Calathea is growing in has drainage holes. This prevents excess water from standing in the pot and suffocating the roots. Place a saucer under the pot to catch the excess water. Discard the water after the plant has had sufficient time to absorb it.

Repotting the Calathea

Repotting the Calathea is an important part of the care. Here are some guidelines to follow:

Repot your Calathea once every 1 to 2 years, preferably in the spring. A larger pot gives the roots more room to grow. This promotes healthy development of the plant.

Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the previous one, but not too large. A pot that is too large can lead to waterlogging and slower growth.

Use a well-drained potting soil that is rich in organic matter. This helps with good air and moisture circulation around the roots.

Make sure that the plant is placed at the same depth as in the previous pot. Cover the roots with fresh potting soil and press gently to avoid air bubbles.

After repotting, give the plant a good watering to help the roots settle. This way he adapts to the new environment.

Cutting your plant

Both the Calathea and the Ctenanthe produce new shoots underground. These shoots are also called rhizomes. The plant becomes fuller as it ages.

You can easily (but carefully) cut off such a shoot and plant it in a new pot so that it grows into a new plant. Make sure that the shoot has a good root so that it is strong enough to continue growing.

The cutting below in the photo has one main branch with 2 new shoots. If you put it in a pot, it will soon have three shoots and become fuller.

However, it is colder in the house than in the greenhouse where the Calathea grows. This means it will take longer before the plant is full.

Leaves & diseases
What can you do about brown leaf edges?

This may indicate low humidity. Try to increase the humidity around the plant. This can be done with a humidifier or a bowl of water near the plant. Also avoid direct contact with a cold draft.

What can you do about yellow leaves?

Yellow leaves can result from overwatering, exposure to direct sunlight or nutritional problems. Check your watering routine. Move the plant to a suitable location and make sure you provide the correct amount of nutrition.

Which pests occur on the Calathea?

Calatheas can be susceptible to pests such as spider mites and aphids. Use a long-lasting mild insecticide to control the pests. Provide good airflow around the plant to discourage them.

Power supply
Nutrition for the Calathea

The Calathea is not a hungry plant, but providing it with nutrition will promote growth and health. Here are some tips for feeding your Calathea:

Use a balanced liquid feed specifically formulated for foliage plants.

Follow the instructions on the package to dose the correct amount of fertilizer. Over-fertilization can be harmful to the plant. So be careful and stick to the recommended dosage.

Feed your Calathea during the growing season. This starts in the spring and runs until the summer. Stop feeding in autumn and winter. The plant is usually at rest during that period.

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