• light

    Bright spot
    Not in full sun

  • Icon_Watergift_Intenz


    Slightly damp
    Water once a week
    Feeding once a month

  • Animal friendly

    The Sansevieria is slightly poisonous

  • Air purifying

    This plant is highly air purifying

Everything you want to know about caring for your Sansevieria plant

Sansevieria: the student plant

The Sansevieria is also known as the student plant. That is because it is a very easy plant to care for.

This houseplant comes from West Africa. This makes it an excellent choice for both homes and offices. With the right care, your Sansevieria can last for years. The leaves are pointed and sword-shaped, it brightens up your interior with its luxurious appearance.

Placement of your Sansevieria

The right place in your home is a crucial factor for successfully caring for the Sansevieria. This plant likes a place with indirect sunlight. But it can even survive in an environment with little light. Place your Sansevieria in a place where it receives several hours of light every day. This is with a window facing east, north or west. Avoid direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves will burn.

How much water do you give to a Sansevieria?

One of the most important aspects of caring for Sansevieria is the correct water regimen. You want to prevent the plant from getting too much water. Excessive watering leads to root rot, while too little water results in dry, desiccated leaves. Here are some guidelines for watering Sansevieria:

Let the soil dry. Wait until the top inches of the soil feel dry before watering again. The Sansevieria tolerates drought better than too much water.

Water moderately. Water once every 2 to 4 weeks. That depends on the temperature and humidity in your home. In winter the Sansevieria needs less water.

Drainage. Make sure the pot your Sansevieria is growing in has drainage holes to drain excess water. Never allow the plant to stand in a layer of water. That damages the roots.

Power supply
What food do you give your Sansevieria?

The Sansevieria needs little nutrition. Occasional feeding with a fertilizer mixture promotes the growth and vitality of the houseplant. Here are some tips for feeding the Sansevieria:

Frequency. Feed your Sansevieria once a month during the growing season. This runs from spring to autumn. In winter the plant does not need any nutrition.

Dilute the fertilizer. Use a liquid fertilizer mixture and dilute it to half the recommended strength, a Sansevieria does not need much nutrition. Then water the plant with the diluted fertilizer solution.

Do not over-fertilize. Over-fertilization can be harmful to Sansevieria, so stick to the recommended dosage and frequency.

How can I repot my Sansevieria?

The Sansevieria does not need to be repotted often. It may be necessary to do this once every few years. Do this when the plant becomes too large for its current pot. Follow these steps to successfully repot your Sansevieria:

Choose the right pot. Choose a pot that is about 2-3 centimeters larger than the current pot. Make sure the new pot has drainage holes.

Fill the new pot approximately one-third full with high-quality potting soil that is well-drained.

Carefully remove the Sansevieria from its current pot and gently shake the excess soil from the roots.

Place the Sansevieria in the center of the new pot and fill with potting soil. Press the soil lightly.

Give the Sansevieria a small amount of water after repotting. Then wait a few days before watering again.

Propagating Sansevieria cuttings

Want to expand your Sansevieria collection? Then propagating Sansevieria through cuttings is a great option. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Select a healthy side shoot. Cut these off the mother plant with a clean, sharp knife or pruning shears.
  2. Let the cutting dry. Allow the cutting to dry for several days until the cut has dried and a callus has formed on it.
  3. Plant the cutting. Plant the cutting in a pot with well-drained potting soil. Make sure that the bottom part of the cutting is in the ground. Give the cutting some water, but avoid excessive watering.
  4. Patience. Over time, the cutting will develop roots and begin to grow. Make sure you water the new plant regularly and provide it with proper care.
  5. Before you know it, you will have a new Sansevieria plant to enjoy.
To leaf through
What can you do about the limp leaves of your Sansevieria?

Limp leaves are caused by overwatering. Allow the soil to dry completely before watering again. Also check the roots for signs of rot.

Why do the leaves of my Sansevieria change color?

Discoloration of the leaves can be due to too much direct sunlight. Move your Sansevieria to a spot with indirect sunlight. The leaves will return to their normal color over time.

Remedy brown Sansevieria leaf tips

Brown leaf tips can be caused by low humidity. Place a humidifier near your Sansevieria or spray the leaves with water to increase humidity.

Which Sansevieria species are there?

Sansevieria has different varieties with unique leaf shapes and colors. Here are some popular types to consider:

Sansevieria Trifasciata. This species is known as the “Woman's Tongue”. It has dark green leaves with lighter green spots.

Sansevieria Cylindrica. This species is characterized by round leaves that grow upright. The leaves have a green color with lighter transverse stripes.

Sansevieria Moonshine. With its silvery leaves, this Sansevieria variety makes an elegant addition to any room.

There are many more varieties of Sansevieria to discover. Each with its own unique beauty!

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