• light

    Bright spot
    Not in full sun

  • Icon_Watergift_Intenz


    Slightly damp
    Water once a week
    Feeding once a month

  • Animal friendly

    Keep this plant out of reach of your pet

  • Air purifying

    This plant purifies the air

Everything you want to know about caring for your Syngonium plant

The Enchantment of the Syngonium

The Syngonium is an enchanting houseplant that immediately attracts attention with its striking leaves and charming appearance. Native to tropical regions of Central and South America, Syngonium is loved for its varying leaf shapes, leaf colors and patterns. From heart-shaped leaves to detailed drawings, there are several varieties of Syngonium to choose from, each with its own unique beauty and character.

The perfect place for your Syngonium

Choosing the right spot for your Syngonium is crucial for its well-being. This beautiful houseplant thrives in a location with bright, indirect light. Strong direct sunlight can burn the leaves and lead to discoloration.

Therefore, choose a spot near a north-, east- or west-facing window, so that your Syngonium can enjoy the soft, filtered light. A room temperature between 18°C ​​and 24°C is ideal, but make sure the plant is protected from cold drafts as this can hinder growth.

Watering your Syngonium: the key to success

Proper watering is essential to keep your Syngonium healthy. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

Keep the soil slightly moist, but avoid allowing the roots to be in soggy conditions. Excessive watering can cause root rot, while too little water leads to dry and limp leaves. Look for the right balance, which usually means watering once a week.

To know when your Syngonium needs water, stick your finger about 2-3 centimeters deep into the soil. If the soil feels dry at that depth, it's time to water. Wait a little longer if the soil feels moist.

Make sure the pot your Syngonium is growing in has drainage holes. This prevents excess water from accumulating and smothering the roots. Place a saucer under the pot to catch the excess water and pour it away after the plant has had enough time to absorb it.

Repotting your Syngonium

Because the Syngonium is an active grower, regular repotting is recommended. Here are some guidelines for a successful repotting:

Select a pot that is only 2-4 cm larger than your Syngonium's current pot. Pots that are too large can lead to excessive moisture retention, while pots that are too small can stunt growth.

Spring is the ideal time to repot your Syngonium, because the plant is most active during this period. Avoid repotting during the winter months as growth will slow down.

Be careful when repotting so as not to damage the roots. Place the plant in the new pot and fill the space with fresh potting soil. Press the soil gently and then water.

To leaf through
Why does my Syngonium have limp leaves?

Limp leaves on your Syngonium can indicate overwatering. Allow the soil to dry thoroughly between waterings.

How do I fix discolored leaves on my Syngonium?

Yellow leaves may indicate overwatering or too much direct sunlight.

Brown leaf edges can be caused by too much sunlight. Adjust watering and light exposure to correct these problems.

Why does my Syngonium have brown spots?

These can be caused by direct sunlight, low humidity or overwatering. Adjust the conditions to resolve the problem.

Power supply
The best food for your Syngonium

Syngonium needs regular feeding to stay healthy and grow well. Here are some tips for feeding your Syngonium:

You can fertilize your Syngonium during the growing season, usually in spring and summer. However, stop fertilizing during the winter months when growth slows.

Always dilute the fertilizer with water before giving it to your plant. Excessive fertilization can cause damage to the roots of your Syngonium.

Cutting your plant

Do you want to expand your Syngonium Collection? Cuttings are a great way to get new plants. Cut a healthy stem just below a node and place it in water or potting soil. Provide sufficient heat and humidity to promote rooting.

When is pruning your Syngonium important?

Pruning is important for your Syngonium as the plant ages. Cut the long stems or branches back to just above a node or leaf.

Syngoniums can benefit from support to grow upwards. A moss stick or trellis can help guide the plant as it grows.

Remove dead or yellowed leaves regularly to promote the health of your Syngonium. Carefully cut the leaves at the base with sharp scissors.

Which Syngonium species are there?

Syngonium neon robusta: A striking variety with brightly colored, neon pink leaves.

Syngonium Pixie: The pixie is a climbing plant with brightly colored leaves. These leaves will change shape over time.

Syngonium in water: A Syngonium plant grows well in the soil but also very well in water. Discover thehydroponics Syngonium .

Syngonium erythrophyllum: This has dark red to purple leaves that are a beautiful addition to your houseplant collection.

Syngonium watergeven



Syngonium Neon
Syngonium stekken