• light

    Partial shade
    Not in full sun

  • Icon_Watergift_Intenz


    Slightly damp
    Water once a week
    Feeding once a month

  • Animal friendly

    The Monstera is slightly poisonous

  • Air purifying

    This plant purifies the air

Everything you want to know about caring for your Monstera plant

Facts about the Monstera

The Monstera is an exotic beauty. This houseplant attracts attention with its unique leaves and impressive appearance. This tropical houseplant comes from the rainforests of Central and South America.

The plant is known for its beautiful perforated leaves. There are different types of Monstera to choose from. Each has its own charm and character. There are smaller versions for on a table and larger ones for placing on the floor .

Where is the best place to place the Monstera?

You must carefully choose the right place for your hole plant. This beautiful plant thrives best in a spot with bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves and lead to discoloration.

Therefore, place your Monstera near a window facing north, east or west. This way the plant can enjoy the soft morning or evening light.

In addition, it is important to know that the Monstera does well in a warm environment. An average room temperature between 18°C ​​and 24°C is ideal for this tropical beauty.

Make sure you protect the plant from drafts. A cold air flow can hinder growth.

What is the best way to water the Monstera?

Good watering is essential for the health of your hole plant. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

It is important to keep the soil slightly moist, but not too wet. Excessive watering leads to root rot. Too little water results in dry and limp leaves. Find the right balance where the soil feels slightly moist. This is usually watering once a week.

By checking the dryness of the soil you will know when your hole plant needs water. Insert your finger about 2-3 centimeters deep into the soil. It's time to water when the soil feels dry at that depth. So wait a while if the soil is moist.

Make sure the pot your Monstera is growing in has drainage holes. This prevents excess water from pooling in the pot and smothering the roots. Place a saucer under the pot to catch the excess water. Discard the water after the plant has had enough time to absorb it.

How much nutrition does a Monstera require?

It is important to provide the plant with sufficient nutrients. Here are some nutrition tips:

Feed your Monstera fertilizer during the growing season, usually in the spring and winter
summer. Stop fertilizing during the winter months when growth slows.

Always dilute the fertilizer with water before giving it to your plant. Too much fertilizer can burn the roots and cause damage.

How can I repot my Monstera?

Monsteras tend to grow quickly, so it is important to water them regularly
repot. Here are some guidelines for repotting and soil requirements:

Choose a pot that is about 2-4 cm larger than your Monstera's current pot. Pots that are too large lead to excessive moisture retention. Pots that are too small hinder the roots.

Spring is the best time to repot your hole plant. The plant is most active in the spring. Avoid repotting during the winter months. This slows down growth.

Be careful when repotting so as not to damage the roots. Place the plant in the new pot and fill the space with fresh potting soil. Press the soil gently and then water.

Should I prune my Monstera?

Monsteras tend to grow lushly. Regular pruning is important to keep the plant in shape and control its size. Cut the long stems or branches back to just above a node or leaf.

Gap plants are climbing plants and can benefit from support to grow upwards. You can use a moss stick or a trellis for the plant to cling to. Be sure to gently tie the stems to guide them as they grow.

Cutting your plant

It doesn't hurt to cut off long shoots from Monstera plants , this way you keep the plant in good shape and you can grow new plants.

Monstera species have different growth habits, so the best way to take cuttings from the plant varies per species. Always cut the leaf at the sprouting point and ensure that a root is visible.

Make sure you don't cut off too many leaves, the plant needs leaves to breathe properly. You can also easily cut away ugly leaves and old stems.

For climbing species you can cut off a stem with an air root from the plant. An aerial root is a root that grows on the plant without the use of soil. If you place a cutting with such a root in the soil, it will continue to grow and the cutting will further develop into a plant.

You can also place this cutting, with the aerial root, in water. Make sure there are at least two leaves on the cutting and that the leaves and stem are not in the water.

Cuttings do especially well at temperatures above 20 degrees. Around the site more
To give it a chance of survival, you can put a plastic bag over the plant. In this way the humidity and temperature are increased. Check regularly whether it is not too moist under the plastic.

If you like it when your climbing Monstera grows nice and big and wild and you don't want to take cuttings at all, they can easily be trained along a moss stick or mesh rack. It is best to lead a runner back to the moss stick. This way you can also keep a Monstera in good shape. The plant will tie itself to the moss stick or to the mesh rack by means of aerial roots.

Do not water the cutting too much in the beginning. The cutting still has few roots, which can quickly cause root rot.

To leaf through
Discoloration of the leaves

Yellow leaves on the Monstera indicate too much water. Check whether the soil is too wet and adjust the watering. Too much direct sunlight can also cause yellow leaves, so provide plenty of shade.

Brown leaf edges of the hole plant indicate too much direct sunlight. Move your hole plant to a place with indirect sunlight. Too little watering can also cause brown leaves. Make sure the soil remains evenly moist.

Brown spots on the leaves can be caused by direct sunlight, low humidity or too much water. Adjust the environment to solve the problem.

Remove dead or yellowed leaves regularly to improve the health of your Monstera. Carefully cut the leaves at the base with sharp scissors.

Can I prevent the leaves from dripping?

Small droplets of water may hang at the end of the leaf tips, this is called guttation. This can occur after you have watered the plant, but can also occur without you having recently watered your plant.

Most species of the Monstera family exhibit these drops. It is not harmful to the plant, but it may be harmful to your floor or furniture, because these drops can leave stains.

Why this happens: the plant absorbs water with its roots and evaporates it through its leaves. At night, the pores of the leaves are closed and the plant does not evaporate water. But the roots still absorb water, creating an overpressure of moisture. To get rid of that excess moisture, the plant has special water glands in the tip of the leaves, where water droplets are formed.

With some Monsteras you can prevent drips by giving them less water. But unfortunately with some plants you have to accept that they do this.

Where does the Monstera come from?

The Monstera is an exotic beauty. This houseplant attracts attention with its unique leaves and impressive appearance. This tropical houseplant comes from the rainforests of Central and South America.

Which Monstera species are there?

Monstera Deliciosa. This is the most famous and popular type of Monstera. This has large, heart-shaped leaves with distinctive incisions and holes. This houseplant is known as the “hole plant” or “bird's beak plant”.

Monstera Adansonii . Also known as the “hole plant” or “Swiss cheese plant”. This species has smaller leaves than the Monstera Deliciosa.

Monstera Obliqua. This species is known for its extreme hole pattern and is sometimes called the “hole cheese plant”. The leaves are very fragile and have a more fern-like shape. Monstera obliqua is rare and difficult to obtain.

Monstera Borsigiana. This species is very similar to the Deliciosa. Only with smaller leaves and a more compact size. This is sometimes considered a variety or cultivar of Monstera Deliciosa.

Monstera Thai Constellation. Striking because the leaves are colorful. This plant is very popular because it is almost unavailable.

Monstera verpotten



Monstera Thai Constellation
Monstera watergeven